Over aluminiumhoedjes, cannabisolie, complottheorieën en de illuminati...

Het is even na middernacht. Mijn gedachten zijn een beetje bij Petra Marina met wie het vandaag niet zo goed ging en die jullie allemaal inmiddels ook wel kennen van dit platform, en zo niet, dan moet je toch echt eens gauw op zoek naar haar blog en dat helemaal lezen.(hierrrrrrrr: https://www.kanker.nl/petra_marina/blog ).

Op dit uur hang ik dan meestal wat rond op Facebook en klets wat met tijd- en lotgenoten waaronder Petra. Maar goed, die slaapt nu de slaap der rechtvaardigen en ik ben wakker en kom een heel aardig artikel tegen over de 10 meest hardnekkige mythes over (de genezing van) kanker wat ik jullie niet wil onthouden. Het is in het Engels en best lang, maar het lezen waard, omdat het een antwoord is op al die aluminiumhoedjes dragende cannabisolie verkopende complotdenkertjes die oproepen op de facebookpagina van KWF plaatsen om vooral niks aan KWF-collectanten te geven of initiatieven als Alpe d'HuZes te steunen omdat dat niet helpt omdat kanker al lang genezen is maar slechts in stand gehouden wordt door de overheid, de illuminati en de farmaceutische industrie.

Kijk eens, als iemand niks wil geven...prima! Vind ik jammer, maar slaap er geen moment minder om. Maar dit soort rare oproepen plaatsen gebaseerd op bizarre complottheorieën (die dan volgens hen ook nog eens bewijzen dat hun kuur (cannabisolie, of bij volle maan in de modder rollen of zo) succesvol is) gaat mij veel te ver. Onderstaand artikel is dan ook het perfecte antwoord op die onzin en verdient het eigenlijk wel om in het Nederlands vertaald te worden, maar daar heb ik vannacht ff geen zin in. Misschien op een later moment, of misschien voelt iemand anders zich geroepen ;-)

Kom je dus iemand tegen die zijn "Boycot het KWF" meent te moeten rechtvaardigen met dat soort flauwekul, voel je dan vrij om naar hartenlust te copy en pasten en onderstaande artikel (bron: http://www.iflscience.com/) zoveel mogelijk te delen.
Onwetendheid is killing. Hier op kanker.nl weten we samen meer!

Don’t Believe the Hype – 10 Persistent Cancer Myths Debunked

Google ‘cancer’ and you’ll be faced with millions of web pages. And the number of YouTube videos you find if you look up ‘cancer cure’ is similarly vast.

The problem is that much of the information out there is at best inaccurate, or at worst dangerously misleading. There are plenty of evidence-based, easy to understand pages about cancer, but there are just as many, if not more, pages spreading myths.

And it can be hard to distinguish fact from fiction, as much of the inaccurate information looks and sounds perfectly plausible. But if you scratch the surface and look at the evidence, many continually perpetuated ‘truths’ become unstuck.

In this post, we want to set the record straight on 10 cancer myths we regularly encounter. Driven by the evidence, not by rhetoric or anecdote, we describe what the reality of research actually shows to be true.

  • Myth 1: Cancer is a man-made, modern disease
  • Myth 2: Superfoods prevent cancer
  • Myth 3: ‘Acidic’ diets cause cancer
  • Myth 4: Cancer has a sweet tooth
  • Myth 5: Cancer is a fungus – and sodium bicarbonate is the cure
  • Myth 6: There’s a miracle cancer cure…
  • Myth 7: …And Big Pharma are suppressing it
  • Myth 8: Cancer treatment kills more than it cures
  • Myth 9: We’ve made no progress in fighting cancer
  • Myth 10: Sharks don’t get cancer

Myth 1: Cancer is a man-made, modern disease

It might be more prominent in the public consciousness now than in times gone by, but cancerisn’t just a ‘modern’, man-made disease of Western society. Cancer has existed as long as humans have. It was described thousands of years ago by Egyptian and Greek physicians, and researchers have discovered tell-tale signs of cancer in a 3,000-year-old skeleton.

While it’s certainly true that global lifestyle-related diseases like cancer are on the rise, the biggest risk factor for cancer is age.

The simple fact is that more people are living long enough to develop cancer because of our success in tackling infectious diseases and other historical causes of death such as malnutrition. It’s perfectly normal for DNA damage in our cells to build up as we age, and such damage can lead to cancer developing.

We’re also now able to diagnose cancers more accurately, thanks to advances in screening, imaging and pathology.

Yes, lifestyle, diet and other things like air pollution collectively have a huge impact on our risk of cancer – smoking for instance is behind a quarter of all cancer deaths in the UK – but that’s not the same as saying it’s a modern, man-made disease. There are plenty of natural causes of cancer – for example, one in six worldwide cancers is caused by viruses and bacteria.

Myth 2: Superfoods prevent cancer

Blueberries, beetroot, broccoli, garlic, green tea… the list goes on. Despite thousands of websites claiming otherwise, there’s no such thing as a ‘superfood’. It’s a marketing term used to sell products and has no scientific basis.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t think about what you eat. Some foods are clearly healthier than others. The odd blueberry or mug of green tea certainly could be part of a healthy, balanced diet. Stocking up on fruits and veg is a great idea, and eating a range of different veg is helpful too, but the specific vegetables you choose doesn’t really matter.

Our bodies are complex and cancer is too, so it’s gross oversimplification to say that any one food, on its own, could have a major influence over your chance of developing cancer.

The steady accumulation of evidence over several decades points to a simple, but not very newsworthy fact that the best way to reduce your risk of cancer is by a series of long-term healthy behaviours such as not smoking, keeping active, keeping a healthy body weight and cutting back on alcohol.

Myth 3: ‘Acidic’ diets cause cancer

Some myths about cancer are surprisingly persistent, despite flying in the face of basic biology. One such idea is that overly ‘acidic’ diets cause your blood to become ‘too acidic’, which can increase your risk of cancer. The proposed answer: increase your intake of healthier ‘alkaline’ foods like green vegetables and fruits (including, paradoxically, lemons).

This is biological nonsense. True, cancer cells can’t live in an overly alkaline environment, but neither can any of the other cells in your body.

Blood is usually slightly alkaline. This is tightly regulated by the kidneys within a very narrow and perfectly healthy range. It can’t be changed for any meaningful amount of time by what you eat. And while eating green veg is certainly healthy, that’s not because of any effect on how acid or alkaline your body is.

There is something called acidosis. This is a physiological condition that happens when your kidneys and lungs can’t keep your body’s pH (a measure of acidity) in balance. It is often the result of serious illness or poisoning. It can be life-threatening and needs urgent medical attention, but it’s not down to overly acidic diets.

We know that the immediate environment around cancer cells (the microenvironment) can become acidic. This is due to differences in the way that tumours create energy and use oxygen compared with healthy tissue. Researchers are working hard to understand how this happens, in order to develop more effective cancer treatments.

But there’s no good evidence to prove that diet can manipulate whole body pH, or that it has an impact on cancer.

Myth 4: Cancer has a sweet tooth

Another idea we see a lot is that sugar apparently ‘feeds cancer cells’, suggesting that it should be completely banished from a patient’s diet.

This is an unhelpful oversimplification of a highly complex area that we’re only just starting to understand.

‘Sugar’ is a catch-all term. It refers to a range of molecules including simple sugars found in plants, glucose and fructose. The white stuff in the bowl on your table is called sucrose and is made from glucose and fructose stuck together. All sugars are carbohydrates, commonly known as carbs – molecules made from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Carbs – whether from cake or a carrot – get broken down in our digestive system to release glucose and fructose. These get absorbed into the bloodstream to provide energy for us to live.

All our cells, cancerous or not, use glucose for energy. Because cancer cells are usually growing very fast compared with healthy cells, they have a particularly high demand for this fuel. There’s also evidence that they use glucose and produce energy in a different way from healthy cells.

Researchers are working to understand the differences in energy usage in cancers compared with healthy cells, and trying to exploit them to develop better treatments (including the interesting but far from proven drug DCA).

But all this doesn’t mean that sugar from cakes, sweets and other sugary foods specifically feeds cancer cells, as opposed to any other type of carbohydrate. Our body doesn’t pick and choose which cells get what fuel. It converts pretty much all the carbs we eat to glucose, fructose and other simple sugars, and they get taken up by tissues when they need energy.

While it’s very sensible to limit sugary foods as part of an overall healthy diet and to avoid putting on weight, that’s a far cry from saying that sugary foods specifically feed cancer cells.

Both the ‘acidic diet’ and ‘sugar feeds cancer’ myths distort sensible dietary advice. And when it comes to offering diet tips, research shows that the same boring healthy eating advice still holds true. Fruit, vegetables, fibre, white meat and fish are good. Too much fat, salt, sugar, red or processed meat and alcohol are less so.

Myth 5: Cancer is a fungus – and sodium bicarbonate is the cure

This ‘theory’ comes from the not-very-observant observation that “cancer is always white”.

One obvious problem with this idea – apart from the fact that cancer cells are clearly not fungal in origin – is that cancer isn’t always white. Some tumours are. But some aren’t. Ask any pathologist or cancer surgeon, or have a look on Google Image search (but maybe not after lunch…).

Proponents of this theory say that cancer is caused by infection by the fungus candida, and that tumours are actually the body’s attempt at protecting itself from this infection.

But there’s no evidence to show that this is true.

Furthermore, plenty of perfectly healthy people can be infected with candida – it’s part of the very normal array of microbes that live in (and on) all of us. Usually our immune system keeps candida in check, but infections can get more serious in people with compromised immune systems, such as those who are HIV-positive.

The ‘simple solution’ is apparently to inject tumours with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). This isn’t even the treatment used to treat proven fungal infections, let alone cancer. On the contrary,there’s good evidence that high doses of sodium bicarbonate can lead to serious – even fatal – consequences.

Some studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate can affect cancers transplanted into mice or cells grown in the lab, by neutralising the acidity in the microenvironment immediately around a tumour. And researchers in the US are running a small clinical trial investigating whether sodium bicarbonate capsules can help to reduce cancer pain and to find the maximum dose that can be tolerated, rather than testing whether it has any effect on tumours.

As far as we are aware, there have been no published clinical trials of sodium bicarbonate as a treatment for cancer.

It’s also worth pointing out that it’s not clear whether it’s possible to give doses of sodium bicarbonate that can achieve any kind of meaningful effect on cancer in humans, although it’s something that researchers are investigating.

Because the body strongly resists attempts to change its pH, usually by getting rid of bicarbonate through the kidneys, there’s a risk that doses large enough to significantly affect the pH around a tumour might cause a serious condition known as alkalosis.

One estimate suggests that a dose of around 12 grams of baking soda per day (based on a 65 kg adult) would only be able to counteract the acid produced by a tumour roughly one cubic millimetre in size. But doses of more than about 30 grams per day are likely to cause severe health problems – you do the maths.

Myth 6: There’s a miracle cancer cure…

From cannabis to coffee enemas, the internet is awash with videos and personal anecdotes about ‘natural’ ‘miracle’ cures for cancer.

But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence – YouTube videos and Facebook posts are emphatically not scientific evidence and aren’t the same as good-quality, peer-reviewed evidence.

In many cases it’s impossible to tell whether patients featured in such anecdotal sources have been ‘cured’ by any particular alternative treatment or not. We know nothing about their medical diagnosis, stage of disease or outlook, or even if they actually had cancer in the first place. For instance, we don’t know what other cancer treatments they had.

And we only hear about the success stories – what about the people who have tried it and have not survived? The dead can’t speak, and often people who make bold claims for ‘miracle’ cures only pick their best cases, without presenting the full picture.

This highlights the importance of publishing data from peer-reviewed, scientifically rigorous lab research and clinical trials. Firstly, because conducting proper clinical studies enables researchers to prove that a prospective cancer treatment is safe and effective. And secondly, because publishing these data allows doctors around the world to judge for themselves and use it for the benefit of their patients.

This is the standard to which all cancer treatments should be held.

That’s not to say the natural world isn’t a source of potential treatments, from aspirin (willow bark) to penicillin (mould). For example, the cancer drug taxol was first extracted from the bark and needles of the Pacific Yew tree.

But that’s a far cry from saying you should chew bark to combat a tumour. It’s an effective treatment because the active ingredient has been purified and tested in clinical trials. So we know that it’s safe and effective, and what dose to prescribe.

Of course people with cancer want to beat their disease by any means possible. And it’s completely understandable to be searching high and low for potential cures. But our advice is to be wary of anything labelled a ‘miracle cure’, especially if people are trying to sell it to you.

Wikipedia has this excellent list of ineffective cancer treatments that are often touted as miracle cures, which is worth a browse. And if you want to know about the scientific evidence about cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – a topic we’re often asked about – please take a look at our extensive blog post on the subject.

Myth 7: … and Big Pharma are suppressing it

Hand in hand with the idea that there is a cornucopia of ‘miracle cures’ is the idea that governments, the pharmaceutical industry and even charities are colluding to hide the cure for cancer because they make so much money out of existing treatments.

Whatever the particular ‘cure’ being touted, the logic is usually the same: it’s readily available, cheap and can’t be patented, so the medical establishment is suppressing it in order to line its own pockets. But, as we’ve written before, there’s no conspiracy – sometimes it just doesn’t work.

There’s no doubt that the pharmaceutical industry has a number of issues with transparency and clinical trials that it needs to address (the book Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre is a handy primer). We push regulators and pharmaceutical companies hard to make sure that effective drugs are made available at a fair price to the NHS – although it’s important to remember that developing and trialling new drugs costs a lot of money, which companies need to recoup.

Problems with conventional medicine don’t automatically prove that alternative ‘cures’ work. To use a metaphor, just because cars sometimes crash doesn’t mean that flying carpets are a viable transport option.

It simply doesn’t make sense that pharmaceutical companies would want to suppress a potential cure. Finding a highly effective therapy would guarantee huge worldwide sales.

And the argument that treatments can’t be patented doesn’t hold up. Pharma companies are not stupid, and they are quick to jump on promising avenues for effective therapies. There are always ways to repackage and patent molecules, which would give them a return on the investment required to develop and test them in clinical trials (a cost that can run into many millions) if the treatment turns out to work.

It’s also worth pointing out that charities such as Cancer Research UK and government-funded scientists are free to investigate promising treatments without a profit motive. And it’s hard to understand why NHS doctors – who often prescribe generic, off-patent drugs – wouldn’t use cheap treatments if they’d been shown to be effective in clinical trials.

For example, we’re funding large-scale trials of aspirin – a drug first made in 1897, and now one of the most widely-used off-patent drugs in the world. We’re researching whether it can prevent bowel cancer in people at high risk, reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, and even prevent cancer coming back and improve survival.

Finally, it’s worth remembering that we are all human – even politicians and Big Pharma executives – and cancer can affect anyone. People in pharmaceutical companies, governments, charities and the wider ‘medical establishment’ all can and do die of cancer too.

Here at Cancer Research UK we have seen loved ones and colleagues go through cancer. Many of them have survived. Many have not. To suggest that we are – collectively and individually – hiding ‘the cure’ is not only absurd, it’s offensive to the global community of dedicated scientists, to the staff and supporters of cancer research organisations such as Cancer Research UK and, most importantly, to cancer patients and their families.

Myth 8: Cancer treatment kills more than it cures

Let’s be clear, cancer treatment – whether chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery – is no walk in the park. The side effects can be tough. After all, treatments that are designed to kill cancer cells will inevitably affect healthy cells too.

And sometimes, sadly, treatment doesn’t work. We know that it’s very difficult to treat late-stage cancer that has spread throughout the body, and while treatment can provide relief from symptoms and prolong life, it’s not going to be a cure for very advanced cancers.

Surgery is still the most effective treatment we have for cancer, provided it’s diagnosed early enough for an operation to be done. And radiotherapy helps cure more people than cancer drugs. Yet chemotherapy and other cancer drugs have a very important part to play in cancer treatment – in some cases helping to cure the disease, and in others helping to prolong survival.

The claims on the internet that chemotherapy is “only 3 per cent effective” are highly misleading and outdated, and are explored in more depth in these two posts from the Science Based Medicine blog.

We also wrote this post in response to concerns that chemotherapy might “encourage cancer”.

It important to point out that in an increasing number of cases, the drugs do work. For example, more than 96 per cent of all men are now cured of testicular cancer, compared to fewer than 70 per cent in the 1970s thanks in part to a drug we helped to develop called cisplatin. And three-quarters of children with cancer are now cured, compared with around a quarter in the late 1960s – most of them are alive today directly thanks to chemotherapy.

We know that we still have a long way to go until we have effective, kinder treatments for all types of cancer. And it’s important that doctors, patients and their families are realistic and honest about the best options for treatment, especially when cancer is very advanced.

It may be better to opt for treatment aimed at reducing pain and symptoms rather than attempting to cure the disease (palliative care). Balancing quality and quantity of life is always going to be an issue in cancer treatment, and it’s one that each patient must decide for themselves.

Myth 9: We’ve made no progress in fighting cancer

This simply isn’t true. Thanks to advances in research, long-term (10+ years) survival from cancer has doubled in the UK over the past 40 years, and death rates have fallen by 10 per cent over the past decade alone. This article by our chief clinician, Professor Peter Johnson, outlines some of the key facts.

By definition, these figures relate to people treated at least 10 years ago. It’s likely that the patients being diagnosed and treated today have an even better chance of survival.

To see how the picture has changed, make yourself a cuppa and settle down to watch this hour-long documentary we helped to make – The Enemy Within: 50 years of fighting cancer. From the early days of chemotherapy in the 50s and 60s to the latest ‘smart’ drugs and pinpoint-accurate radiotherapy, it highlights how far we’ve come over the years.

There’s still a long way to go. There are some cancers where progress has been much slower – such as lung, brain, pancreatic and oesophageal cancers. And when you lose someone you love to cancer, it can feel as though no progress has been made at all.

That’s why we’re working so hard to beat cancer sooner, to make sure that nobody loses their life prematurely to the disease.

Myth 10: Sharks don’t get cancer

Yes they do.

This excellent article goes into why the myth about the cancer-free shark has been so persistent.

If you want to learn more about cancer and marijuana check this article out: http://bit.ly/1haHM4S

Note: The content of this article was written by Oliver Childs and Kat Arney as a blog entry for Cancer Research UK. The link to the original entry was shared on the IFLS Facebook page

Bron: http://www.iflscience.com/

4 reacties

Ik steun je helemaal Herman. maar op de site die gesteund wordt door het KWF lijkt me dat weinig effectief .......
Op andere fora, zoals bij het longkankerinformatiecentrum, kunnen dit soort idioten nog wel eens hun "boodschap" kwijt.

groet, Jan
Laatst bewerkt: 29/06/2017 - 19:51
Dag Jan,
Ook bij KWF en kanker.nl komen dit soort figuren langs. Waarschijnlijk is dat ook de reden dat KWF dit blogje op haar Facebook-pagina gepost heeft.  Mensen die proberen hun alternatieve kuur te slijten overtuig je toch niet. Daar ging het mij ook niet zozeer om. Maar hoe meer mensen gewezen worden op de fabeltjes die de ronde doen, hoe beter het is en hoe minder schade aangericht wordt. Dus voel je vrij om bovenstaande verhaal ook op andere plekken te delen waar jou dat zinvol lijkt. Bij voorkeur via een link naar dit platform.  Op die manier komt kanker.nl als platform ook nog eens onder de aandacht van mensen die het platform nog niet kennen.
Laatst bewerkt: 29/06/2017 - 19:51
Hallo Herman,
Ik las jouw reactie over alu, olie, illuminati, complotten enz. enz. en heb het hele (Engels talig artikel bestudeerd) en tot mijn spijt kan ik niet anders concluderen dan dat jij ook nog bij de grote groep "slapende" Nederlanders behoort. Ik heb helemaal niks met alu hoedjes of andere onzin maar tegelijk ben ik wel helder wakker en zie wel degelijk om mij heen in wat voor "zieke" wereld wij leven. Er is meer wat "het volk" niet weet dan wel maar wanneer je elke dag op je fietsje naar je werk peddelt, boodschappen doet, naar voetbal gaat, je feestjes hebt, af en toe naar de sauna gaat en 2x per jaar met vakantie gaat, ja wat wil "een mens" dan ook meer weten? De andere "zaken" heb je toch uitbesteed met je stemrecht 1x per 4 jaar en je mag er toch op vertrouwen dat "die anderen" jouw "zaken" ook behartigen?  Dat de werkelijkheid een heel andere is, dat wil er bij de meeste mensen maar niet in. Ook jij trekt van leer tegen die "complotdenkers" alsof die niet zouden deugen. Maar is de werkelijkheid niet precies andersom?? Wanneer er openheid zou zijn in onze wereld dan zouden er geen complotdenkers ontstaan. Maar wist jij 40 jaar geleden wel hoeveel priesters hun piemel in kleine kinderen staken?? Nee, dat kon onmogelijk bestaan!!! We weten beter inmiddels en in Engeland komen nu dagelijks de feiten boven tafel hoe bekende figuren en andere elite stelselmatig kinderen misbruikt hebben. Rondom Dutroux zijn er ruim 20 personen onder verdachte omstandigheden aan hun einde gekomen en toen het onderzoek naar misbruik richting de politieke top ging, werd het onderzoek abrupt afgeblazen. In NL komt het onderzoek naar Joris Demmink maar niet van de grond wegens frustratie van bovenaf. Heb je het boek "Dit kan niet waar zijn" van Joris Luyendijk al gelezen?? Recent verschenen. Gaat over de zieke financiële wereld en hoe we met z'n allen bedonderd worden. Zelf heb ik een vriendin die 2 jaar geleden te horen kreeg dat ze borstkanker had. Uit de CT en PAT scans bleek dat er uitzaaiingen zaten in de lymfeklieren en de lever. Einde oefening dus..... Om nog wat tijd te rekken werd er bestraling en chemo voorgesteld. Deze "eigenwijze" dame accepteerde dit niet. Ze wilde niet kapot gaan.... Uit de heftige en openhartige discussies met haar arts bleek haar al snel hoe de artsen met handen en voeten gebonden zijn aan "kostenbesparende" protocols. Maar zij nam het heft zelf in handen en zij wilde dat ze geopereerd werd aan de borst, lymfeklieren en lever waar de gezwellen zo goed als mogelijk werden weggehaald. Ook haar eierstokken werden verwijderd gezien de hormoonhuishouding. Maar bestraling en chemo wees deze dame af en ze ging het alternatieve circuit in met de cannabisolie. Ook hier botste ze tegen veel onzinverhalen aan met weinig kennis over welk THC en/of CBD gehalte goed is voor wat....  Uiteindelijk heeft ze gevonden wat ze zocht en ze is uitsluitend en alleen aan deze olie gegaan zonder verdere medicatie. We zijn nu 2 jaar verder en in de afgelopen week hoorde ze dat ze geheel kankervrij is. De arts is sprakeloos en wijt het aan het verwijderen van de eierstokken. Privé vroeg hij wel om een aantal flesjes cannabisolie......   T'is maar dat je het weet Herman. I.p.v. aan complotten te denken zou je beter kunnen pleiten voor uitgebreid en wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de werking van deze olie. Maar ik kan je ook vertellen dat je dan op een onmogelijk hoge muur botst.  Waarom dan toch.......... Herman???  Zou het net zo zijn als met onze "priesters" of bankdirecteuren of politici die naar de Bilderberg conferentie gaan??? Wat hebben ze te verbergen??? Dat de kankerbestrijding voor "Big Pharma" en miljarden business is, is wel bekend maar waarom houden zij onderzoek tegen wat deze olie betreft???  Herman, wordt wakker en geloof geen enkele nieuwszender klakkeloos. Ga zelf op onderzoek uit en misschien kom je er achter dat complotdenkers soms "dwazen" zijn en soms "klokkenluiders". Kijk ook eens naar prof. Hamelink en wat hij tegen zijn studenten zegt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tf1FA3gqWE

Laatst bewerkt: 29/06/2017 - 19:51
Dan heb je toch echt het artikel niet goed gelezen. Daarin wordt gesteld dat er weliswaar positieve effecten van canabisolie te zien waren bij sommige (sub)typen tumoren in een labomgeving en op muizen getest. Bij andere typen werkte het niet en in een enkel geval bevorderde het juist de groei van de kankercellen. Er wordt dan ook geconcludeerd dat er nog veel onderzoek nodig is. Het is nu in ieder geval al wel vast te stellen dat hét geneesmiddel tegen kanker niet bestaat. Er wordt inmiddels steeds meer duidelijk over welke (combinatie van) dna-veranderingen een rol spelen bij specifieke kankervormen. Dat maakt niet alleen tijdige opsporing mogelijk, maar brengt ook genezing een stap dichterbij. Het feit dat er commerciële belangen meespelen in de farmaceutische industrie zegt daarbij niet zoveel. Ik neem aan dat jezelf ook geld verdiend. Ook dat komt bij een consument vandaan. En als het gaat over big farma heeft geen belang bij iets doen met canabis want het is niet patenteerbaar: Dat is hetzelfde als zeggen dat taxusbladeren niet interessant zijn voor big farma want taxusblaadjes kun je niet patenteren. En zie daar! De taxusblaadjes worden opgekocht door diezelfde big farma omdat men er de werkzame stof uit heeft weten te halen en er een zeer succesvol middel tegen kanker van heeft weten te maken. Niemand die zei van taxusblaadjes? Niet interessant want niet patenteerbaar! Integendeel! Daarom zeg ik: Verder onderzoek: uitstekend! Maar iets (zoals) canabisolie presenteren als hét geneesmiddel tegen kanker, wat wordt tegengehouden door big farma is (helaas) echt flauwekul. Bovendien geef je dan aan heel veel mensen valse hoop of erger nog, zet je ze aan tot zorgmijdend gedrag. En om een voorbeeld te geven. Mijn vader overleed dertig jaar geleden aan blaaskanker. Van alles geprobeerd. Allemaal middelen die hét geneesmiddel tegen kanker zouden zijn. Ik heb sinds 2012 dezelfde vorm van blaaskanker en ben behandeld met immunotherapie. Ik leef niet alleen nog, maar ik ben ook schoon. Dankzij big farma. Daar waar mijn vader her niet redde ondanks al die wondermiddelen! Mensen waarbij net de bodem onder de voeten is weggeslagen overhalen om af te zien van een reguliere behandeling omdat canabisolie of perzikpitten of weet ik veel wat beter zou zijn, vind ik dan ook in zeker opzicht misdadig. Het zou, gelet de ervaring van mijn vader, mijn dood geworden zijn. En dat, is mijn grootste bezwaar tegen (vaak zelf gezonde) complotdenkers die geen enkel probleem hebben hun zieke medemens de dood in te jagen. Want ook in die wereld is handel nou eenmaal handel.
Laatst bewerkt: 29/06/2017 - 19:51